Waimea Intermediate School

Total school roll: 605 students
Year Levels: 7 – 8
Type of school: Co-educational, public intermediate school
Waimea Intermediate is a co-educational intermediate school in Richmond, Tasman District, New Zealand.

Waimea Intermediate School in Richmond, Nelson caters for Years 7 and 8 students from a large number of urban and rural contributing schools. Of the 603 students on the roll, 53 identify as Māori.

Waimea Intermediate is an exciting and rewarding learning community to be part of. It provides a caring environment where students are challenged and supported to achieve their full potential. Underpinning all daily interactions and our modern integrated curriculum are our RISE values which set the expectations for staff and students alike.  Our focus is on promoting new opportunities, curiosity and challenges whilst building on existing strengths and interests. In this way we ensure growth in all aspects of the student; academic, social, cultural, emotional and physical.

Our team of highly motivated and professional staff work in syndicates making decisions centred around the students. We combine homeroom, specialist and semi­ -specialist teaching to provide varied and challenging opportunities for students at this significant stage of development. The teaching staff use a range of instructional and organisational techniques to cater for students of all ability levels. We value open communication between home and school.

Waimea Intermediate is unique in being one of the few semi-rural intermediates and is situated in a large campus environment with Henley Primary and Waimea College sharing expansive grounds and excellent facilities. Classrooms and other learning spaces have been recently upgraded to provide flexible teaching spaces and modern learning environments. Students enjoy the numerous outdoor areas which are both engaging and stimulating for not only learning and play, but sport and PE as well.


Students take you on a virtual tour of WIS


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